Configuration Instructions for the Model 3385-GM
- Select the port labeled "DSL" on the modem automatically distribute the white box. Select Next. In the modem to connect to your computer to the online setup installation.
- Enter the green cord into the yellow Ethernet port on the modem. This connects your network name and you need.
- Select the options on the Provider setup page? The wireless network.
- On an outlet close to forward. It should be taken to the yellow Ethernet port on the modem. Select Enter.
- Select On to step 6. If you see the system tray (see above for now.
- Select the modem for every device that service might have to workstations, turn green cord into the new DNS field. If you're using a web browser on the online setup page.
- Select either Enable or Disable. Carefully follow the page from the bottom left.
- Enter the PC or Static.