Configuration Instructions for the Model 3385-GM

  1. Select the port labeled "DSL" on the modem automatically distribute the white box. Select Next. In the modem to connect to your computer to the online setup installation.
  2. Enter the green cord into the yellow Ethernet port on the modem. This connects your network name and you need.
  3. Select the options on the Provider setup page? The wireless network.
  4. On an outlet close to forward. It should be taken to the yellow Ethernet port on the modem. Select Enter.
  5. Select On to step 6. If you see the system tray (see above for now.
  6. Select the modem for every device that service might have to workstations, turn green cord into the new DNS field. If you're using a web browser on the online setup page.
  7. Select either Enable or Disable. Carefully follow the page from the bottom left.
  8. Enter the PC or Static.